Alhamdulillah, habis sudah hons year yg mencabar. thn yg plg emosi. penat. but i've survived. thank you Allah for giving me the strength. jazakallah ummi & abi yg byk bg sokongan. and sayang2 adelaide yg sgt supportive. I can imagine life without you guys. I'm so thankful to have you guys as friends. Luv u all always. mmuahh!
So, hons dh abis, and now what? next - gold coast! can't awit to see ummi & adik. mau jln2 dgn diorg. and next - tgk ikram! for the first time after 8 months. wait for aunty ye ikram. hehe...
Hopefully everything goes well. Ya Allah permudahkanlah urusan kami. ameen...