Friday, November 12, 2010

The end


Alhamdulillah, habis sudah hons year yg mencabar. thn yg plg emosi. penat. but i've survived. thank you Allah for giving me the strength. jazakallah ummi & abi yg byk bg sokongan. and sayang2 adelaide yg sgt supportive. I can imagine life without you guys. I'm so thankful to have you guys as friends. Luv u all always. mmuahh!

So, hons dh abis, and now what? next - gold coast! can't awit to see ummi & adik. mau jln2 dgn diorg. and next - tgk ikram! for the first time after 8 months. wait for aunty ye ikram. hehe...
Hopefully everything goes well. Ya Allah permudahkanlah urusan kami. ameen...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Less than a month...


lame btul x update. dh bersawang blog ni. huhu...busy dgn hons. tp pejam celik dh nk abis. in just few weeks time hons will end. xsaba nk g jln2. tp mcm xcaye pn ade jugak. alhamdulillah, i've survived the thoughest year. tinggal final presentation je lg. then 24 nov...babai adelaide...happy? sad? will i be coming back here again? malas nk pikir lg. for the time being, i just want to be with my beloved family. can't wait for all of us to be together again after so many years. i'm hoping and praying for the best. ya Allah mudahkanlah urusanku dan rakan2 sehingga tamat honours nanti. ameen...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Graduation Day and Earthquake


15/14/2010 was the graduation ceremony for faculty of sciences. Alhamdulillah, evrything went well. w/pun penat tp gembira la gak. tp kalu nk banding dgn kat msia kat sini sgt la sempoi. xrs bermakne sgt. ms skolah dlu pn bez lg. stkt jln naik pentas, salam dgn vice chancellor pastu amik sijil kat tepi. apekah? mcm klaka je. x se formal kt msia la. ape2 pn sumenye dah lps. thanks kat kwn2 yg mrgkp fmly kt sini sbb sudi dtg grad ktorg. wpun ummi dgn abi xde, korg ade. thanks jugak for the flowers and gifts. a moment that i'll always remember. =)

semalam, 16/04/2010 ade earthquake in adelaide dlm kul 11.27 pm camtu kot. ms tu kt umah kwn, tgh ready2 nk tdo. tbe2 dgr bunyi kuat mcm meletup. rs umah bergegar, bumbung mcm nk jatuh. kjp je. dlm 10 saat kot. tp time tu x expect pn earthquake. so, bia jela. igt mcm kapal terbang nk turun ke, lori bsr ke. pg ni bru tau rupe2nye earthquake. bkn earthquake sgt la, diorg pggl earth tremor. dlm 3.8 skala ritcher. alhamdulillah, xde pape yg berlaku. maybe Allah nk bg prgtn kot. anything can happen at any time and any where. smga Allah pelihara kami semue kat sini. ameen...


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Break


Lame btul x update blog ni. skrg baru berkesempatan nk update. tgh cuti easter, dr jumaat smpai isnin. rsnye ni la the first n last cuti pnjg utk honours year ni kot. lps ni xde dh cuti camni. selalunye balik2 umah dah penat, dah xnk tgk keje2. Weekends plak x mcm weekend. kdg2 kene g lab gak, inject mice. pastu ade aktiviti ape2 ke. ni baru la rs mcm cuti sket.

Sbnrnye mcm2 bnde yg dh berlaku spnjg march. paling spesel ialah kelahiran my first nephew, Ikram Haziq on 3/3/2010. skrg ni ikram dh pn sbulan. tp aunty zeera xdpt tgk ikram. huhu... aunty is so far away. rs cam nk g tgk ikram la plak akhir thn ni. we'll see how it goes. ade rezki insyaAllah smpai. hehe...

Pastu ade Honours Research Proposal plak on 22-24/3. Alhamdulillah, sume ok w/pun bile time Q n A tu mcm x brp nk ok sgt. tp sume org pn rs mcm tu. nsb baik x assess. hope i can do better for the progress seminar n final.

And now it's already April. cpt tul mase berlalu. insyaAllah i'll be graduating on 15/4. looking forward for the graduation day!

esok kene g lab. kene inject tikus2 sekalian. cuak gak kene buat sorg2. b4 this ade student PhD skali. tp kali ni die suh practice buat sdri. hope evrythg goes well. insyaAllah...

that's all 4 now. lps ni ntah bile plak la nk update. c ya!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week 2


Hari ni hari ahad. berakhirlah sudah week 2 hons yr. alhamdulillah, this week was better than b4. adela progress sket. isnin ade lab meeting, slase ade med check-up, rabu jmpe sv bncg psl outline. die suh buat rough draft dlu. next week die nk tgk. kamis ade induction utk animal house. mule2 smpai tu xleh nk bernyawa. baunye...erkkk...lame2 baru ok sket. kuat tul bau tkus. well, since i hv to work with mice kenela thn. org tu cite psl animal house pastu bwk tour tgk kwsn tu. ngntuk gle mase dgr die cite. time tu plak la prut buat hal. rs mcm msuk angin je. cubaan...tahan2. fuh. pastu ptg ade 2nd med check-up. trus blk lpas tu. skt prut dh x thn. nk bernafas pn sakit. alhamdulillah, lame2 die ok. jumaat, hari yg dinanti2 stp mggu. xsaba nk tggu kul 5 pm. mcm bese, g mkn2 dgn kwn2, jln2 window shopping. sabtu, duk umah je mguruskn ape yg patut. hr ni junior baru masuk umah kitorg. berknlnla dgn diorg. pastu tghri g airport htr snr yg nk blk for good dah. sayonara~ take care. thanks 4 evrything. ade rezki insyaAllah jmpe lg.

till nxt time,

Friday, February 5, 2010

Week 1


Alhamdulillah, abis dh 1st week of hons. What did I do for this week?

1st day - orientation kat Women's and Children's Hospital. Ade gak die bwk melawat around the hosp. Tgk babies yg pre-mature.

2nd day - 1st day kat lab. i mean duk kat student office. bncg2 dgn supervisor psl project. pstu die bg articles utk d bace. for the first weeks ni die suh bace je. baiklah. kite bace!

3rd-5th day - smbg bace lg. bosan. wat keje lain plak. apply visa, uruskn bank, student card and etc apart from reading. bosan kot. xkan la 9-5 nk bace je. poning kpla den. @_@

Tp nsb baik hari ni ade tute yg bleh melarikn dr duk dlm ofis and bace. pastu after ofis hr abis g berfriday evening dgn kwn2. dh smggu x mkn lauk sdp. bz la katekan. g bli air kat GJ pastu makan nandos. kenyang. alhamdulillah...

hope next week will be better than this week. just wait and see...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The beginning of honours year


The hons year has officially started yesterday. smlm orientation, hari ni jumpe supervisor n bncg2 psl project. buat ms skrg die suruh bace journal je dlu. bace, bace, n bace....pastu bosan + ngantuk... aiyo baru sehari. ape2 pn kene tggu kul 5 pm br bleh blk. skrg ni normal lg ikut office hour 9-5. kalu dh bz esok ntah2 kul 9 mlm baru blk. waa... hopefully i can survive this year.
Alhamdulillah ramai gak bdk2 msia satu bilik tu. kalu bosan ade gak kwn. kalu stress pn bleh kongsi2.

but still, there's something missing in my life. blk umah plak sepi melanda. xde kucing2 yg bleh main. miss home... huhu... xsaba nk abis hons. (blum pape lg dh pikir nk abis. huh...)

but u hv to do what u hv to do. hoping n praying that Allah will help and guide me throughout this hons year. Ameen...

Monday, January 11, 2010



pada 8 jan lps genapla umurku 23 thn. rs cam dah tue je. huhu... anyway, syukur sbb masih dpt hidup di muke bumi ni. thank you Allah for all the nikmat. thank you ummi n abi for bringing me into this world. love u sooo much! thank you ummi for the yummy pulut kuning! =D

23 means not much time left. am i ready yet? dunno wat to say... hanya tuhan yg tahu.

esoknye g kl satu fmly. tp naik bas dgn adik sbb kete x muat. shoping2 baju baby utk bkl anak sedare. kan best kalu bleh g tgk baby skali nanti. nk ikuuuutttt!!! huu... T_T

ahad g temerloh plak g pasar nk bli brg2 utk kak zana. blk jengke sggh kfc yg baru bukak. saje je nk tgk. ramai btul manusia. x putus2. orgnye pn mcm2 jenis gak. sronok tgk gelagat org. hehe...

ok la, that's all for now. till next time. jaa~

Friday, January 1, 2010

Recap 2009 & New Year 2010

Assalamualaikum & Happy New Year!

Kejap je dah masuk 2010. cepat tul mase berlalu. x prsn pn. byk bnde yg berlaku spnjg thn lps. ade yg best ade yg x best. meh kite tgk ape dh berlaku.

Jan - cuti2 msia
Feb - abg kawin, blk adel smule
Mac - final year started
April - autumn break, road trip g Great Ocean Road, Melbourne, Ballarat
May - mcm bese (x igt ape yg best)
Jun - final exam sem 1, winter break
July - jalan2 New Zealand
Aug - mcm bese (x igt ape yg best)
Sept - spring break, balik raye kt msia
Oct - mcm bese (x igt ape yg best)
Nov - final sem of final year, final exam, finished my degree.
Dec - summer break, back to msia

just b4 we went back to msia, ade pglmn menarik yg terjd kat gold coast. 1st time merase naik kete Australian Federal Police. haha. buat cuak je. igtkn nk tggu je kt luar airport tu smpai esok pgnye. tp pakcik polis ckp bhye. die pn bwk kitorg pegi backpackers dkt2 dgn airport tu. time kasih encik polis krn prihatin thdp kslmtn kami. thank you Allah for sending those policemen to us. kalu x kene merempat kt luar. ape2 pn, alhamdulillah smenye selamat.

It's now 2010. mknenye umo pn brtmbh lg sthun. hm...mase mkn singkat ni. byk lg cabaran yg akan dtg. and honours is waiting this feb. huhu...hope I can do it well insyaAllah.
I hope this year will be better than before. Semoga Allah mudahkan urusan kita semua. ameen...