Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tabahlah duhai hati...


Hari ni off day lg. not being too good lately. i mean emotionally. getting annoyed by mr. stalker. hari2 kene kacau. keep ignoring him but he's so persistent. argh! just go away and leave me alone please! i need to avoid him everyday. it's tiring. maybe if i already have my mr. right then he won't disturb me anymore. nowhere to be seen right now. kdg2 rs tawar hati...huhu...
all i need to do is pray to Allah that he'll give me strength. bertahan! insyaAllah smpai bulan 4 je.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Thank you..for understanding. =)


I thought today will be a hard day for me sbb kene keje ot dgn kesihatan yg kurg memuaskan. but thanks to Allah for making them understand the pain that i'm going through. byk jugak la keje yg tertangguh. dgn tray x berbasuh, roti blum simpan, sorry guys. tp nk buat mcm mana dh xlarat nk buat apa2. just want to be home and rest. disebabkan dorg memahami dan sanggup tolong habiskan keje2, so sy pun belanja la aiskrim mcd. to say thank you. hope u guys enjoyed it.

another thing is, mulai hari ini, sesiapa yg x ot, waktu balik adalah pukul 5 . yeay! Alhamdulillah. dpt blk awal. sbnrnye bos nk jimat kos. sale kurg memuaskan. so, terpaksa la buat mcm tu. tp bgusla tu. boleh blk awal, xdela rush sgt sbb nk solat lg. ade hikmahnya bos buat mcm tu. mungkin itu lah yg terbaik. =)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012



Alhamdulillah, hari ni dpt gaji bulan jan. =) duit zakat dh bg kat ummi, so nanti ummi setelkan. hajat nk bli phone baru disebabkan phone skrg pun dh bengong2. budget dlm rm300. nk yg ade wifi. nk gi usha2 la jumaat ni. sbb jumaat dpt cuti. nk pg byr bil, gi bank, pastu nk pegi memanjakan diri plak. ahaks! ;)