Wednesday, March 7, 2012

25 years and 2 months


Hari ni sy berusia 25 thn & 2 bln. which means i only have 9 months left. permudahkanlah segala urusan Ya Allah...

nk kluar rumah tp hujan. rumah tgh renovate kt bwh tp sy stay kt atas. bergegar2 kene gerudi. hmm...tggu org dtg amik tghri nanti. hope today will end well. insyaAllah ...


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Goodbye February, welcome March!


Today is 1st of March. baru dpt gaji bulan feb. alhamdulillah. dah bulan 3. ade tinggal lg 10 bln. just wait and see. Allah knows best. =)
