Dah lame xupdate sejak brenti keje. so, what happened? Alhamdulillah, me and adik went to korea AGAIN on 28/4 - 5/5. then, abg and his family came from japan. dpt jumpe ikram, main2 dgn die. hehe. die dah pandai ckp sket2. kali ni pegi korea sbb nk shoping. byk gak hasil tangkapan. and this time it was spring. tp xdpt tgk cherry blossom sbb dh abis. wuwuwu...mcm biase, tempat yg kitorg pegi -itaewon, namdaemun, myeongdong, dongdaemun, pastu gi gak nami island, hanok village and lotte world (2nd time for me). but still, wpun ni dah kali ke-3 pegi sane, tetap rs blum puas. boleh x nk pegi lagi? aaa...nk tgk cherry blossom plak. autumn ke.
Ok, abis dah cite psl korea. and then comes the so-not-good part. back to msia means i become jobless again. plus still single some more. single and jobless...hmm... not a very good combi eh. ok, that means i have to continue to search again. Semoga Allah mudahkan urusanku. ameen...
And today, i got a good news from adik. she is accepted to jad. alhamdulillah...
Okla, gtg. my new 'baby' dah merengek. (found a poor kitty in the drain yesterday. wet and cold with no mommy. sob2...) till next time. wallahualam...