Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blood test

Hari ni gi buat blood test kat parkland. Semalam g buat regular health check, so doc suruh dtg blk utk blood test plak. Since the vein couldn't be seen properly, kene la cucuk kat 3 tempat berbeza. Ouch! Tp nk wat camne, saba jela.

'Sorry love, it seems like the vein doesn't like us. Let me try again'. Nsb baikla nurse2 tu baik blake. Rs skt pn krg. huhu...

'You have cold hands. That means u have warm hearts. Did anyone tell u that?'.
Yeke? Never heard that before.

Pastu htr emel kat JPA psl urusan hons plak. Usha2 tiket blk lg. Kalau ok, bleh blk 17 hb pastu blk sini blk 24/1 ke. stkt ni, tula yg plg murah bleh dpt. lompat2 pn xkshla. asal dpt blk. masalahnye bile bleh confirm ni? Nk blk tp...mcm2 ade. Kalau itu, kalau ini, byknye kalau...aiyo... time is running out!

Ya Allah mudahkanlah segala urusan kami. amin...


  1. ape mksd die ko ade warm hearts erk ? sbb ape leh jd cam tu? ape simptom2 die?nk tau gak..

  2. hehe...warm hearts tu mksd die mcm murah hati gitu la. bkn sakit pape pn. nk sdapkn hati je kot. huhu...

  3. ooo...murah hati erk..tbe2 je tgn aku pon cold ni.. hehehehe
