Alhamdulillah, abis dh 1st week of hons. What did I do for this week?
1st day - orientation kat Women's and Children's Hospital. Ade gak die bwk melawat around the hosp. Tgk babies yg pre-mature.
2nd day - 1st day kat lab. i mean duk kat student office. bncg2 dgn supervisor psl project. pstu die bg articles utk d bace. for the first weeks ni die suh bace je. baiklah. kite bace!
3rd-5th day - smbg bace lg. bosan. wat keje lain plak. apply visa, uruskn bank, student card and etc apart from reading. bosan kot. xkan la 9-5 nk bace je. poning kpla den. @_@
Tp nsb baik hari ni ade tute yg bleh melarikn dr duk dlm ofis and bace. pastu after ofis hr abis g berfriday evening dgn kwn2. dh smggu x mkn lauk sdp. bz la katekan. g bli air kat GJ pastu makan nandos. kenyang. alhamdulillah...
hope next week will be better than this week. just wait and see...
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