Hari ni hari ahad. berakhirlah sudah week 2 hons yr. alhamdulillah, this week was better than b4. adela progress sket. isnin ade lab meeting, slase ade med check-up, rabu jmpe sv bncg psl outline. die suh buat rough draft dlu. next week die nk tgk. kamis ade induction utk animal house. mule2 smpai tu xleh nk bernyawa. baunye...erkkk...lame2 baru ok sket. kuat tul bau tkus. well, since i hv to work with mice kenela thn. org tu cite psl animal house pastu bwk tour tgk kwsn tu. ngntuk gle mase dgr die cite. time tu plak la prut buat hal. rs mcm msuk angin je. cubaan...tahan2. fuh. pastu ptg ade 2nd med check-up. trus blk lpas tu. skt prut dh x thn. nk bernafas pn sakit. alhamdulillah, lame2 die ok. jumaat, hari yg dinanti2 stp mggu. xsaba nk tggu kul 5 pm. mcm bese, g mkn2 dgn kwn2, jln2 window shopping. sabtu, duk umah je mguruskn ape yg patut. hr ni junior baru masuk umah kitorg. berknlnla dgn diorg. pastu tghri g airport htr snr yg nk blk for good dah. sayonara~ take care. thanks 4 evrything. ade rezki insyaAllah jmpe lg.
till nxt time,
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Week 1
Alhamdulillah, abis dh 1st week of hons. What did I do for this week?
1st day - orientation kat Women's and Children's Hospital. Ade gak die bwk melawat around the hosp. Tgk babies yg pre-mature.
2nd day - 1st day kat lab. i mean duk kat student office. bncg2 dgn supervisor psl project. pstu die bg articles utk d bace. for the first weeks ni die suh bace je. baiklah. kite bace!
3rd-5th day - smbg bace lg. bosan. wat keje lain plak. apply visa, uruskn bank, student card and etc apart from reading. bosan kot. xkan la 9-5 nk bace je. poning kpla den. @_@
Tp nsb baik hari ni ade tute yg bleh melarikn dr duk dlm ofis and bace. pastu after ofis hr abis g berfriday evening dgn kwn2. dh smggu x mkn lauk sdp. bz la katekan. g bli air kat GJ pastu makan nandos. kenyang. alhamdulillah...
hope next week will be better than this week. just wait and see...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The beginning of honours year
The hons year has officially started yesterday. smlm orientation, hari ni jumpe supervisor n bncg2 psl project. buat ms skrg die suruh bace journal je dlu. bace, bace, n bace....pastu bosan + ngantuk... aiyo baru sehari. ape2 pn kene tggu kul 5 pm br bleh blk. skrg ni normal lg ikut office hour 9-5. kalu dh bz esok ntah2 kul 9 mlm baru blk. waa... hopefully i can survive this year.
Alhamdulillah ramai gak bdk2 msia satu bilik tu. kalu bosan ade gak kwn. kalu stress pn bleh kongsi2.
but still, there's something missing in my life. blk umah plak sepi melanda. xde kucing2 yg bleh main. miss home... huhu... xsaba nk abis hons. (blum pape lg dh pikir nk abis. huh...)
but u hv to do what u hv to do. hoping n praying that Allah will help and guide me throughout this hons year. Ameen...
The hons year has officially started yesterday. smlm orientation, hari ni jumpe supervisor n bncg2 psl project. buat ms skrg die suruh bace journal je dlu. bace, bace, n bace....pastu bosan + ngantuk... aiyo baru sehari. ape2 pn kene tggu kul 5 pm br bleh blk. skrg ni normal lg ikut office hour 9-5. kalu dh bz esok ntah2 kul 9 mlm baru blk. waa... hopefully i can survive this year.
Alhamdulillah ramai gak bdk2 msia satu bilik tu. kalu bosan ade gak kwn. kalu stress pn bleh kongsi2.
but still, there's something missing in my life. blk umah plak sepi melanda. xde kucing2 yg bleh main. miss home... huhu... xsaba nk abis hons. (blum pape lg dh pikir nk abis. huh...)
but u hv to do what u hv to do. hoping n praying that Allah will help and guide me throughout this hons year. Ameen...
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