Hari ni cuti (dapat cuti) sbb org lain nk cuti gilir2 dr rabu smpai ahad. so, diorg suh sy cuti selasa. nk cuti sabtu xbleh sbb nanti xckup org. well, org dh bagi amik je la kan.
Sbnrnye dh 2 mggu keje kat kedai bakery tu. bleh dpt keje kat situ sbb tokey die org kmpg ummi. kalu ade ape2 hal sng sket nk mintak cuti ke. kalu keje dgn org lain mcm ssh sket. so, what did I do in these past 2 weeks? ok, mule2 kene buat sandwich. ade 4 jenis sandwich. pastu tlg isi2 inti cream puffs, tlg goreng2 donut. pastu celup donut dgn coklat and tabur choc rice. buat air, jaga cashier smbil tgk2 bhgn depan, sapu, mop, kemas2. lps tu up sket blaja buat swiss roll dgn chiffon cake. tgk resepi, timbang2, masuk mesin then campur perisa and pewarna, tuang dlm tray, bakar. pasni maybe blaja buat cream puffs plak. bende ni sbnrnye xdela susah sgt sbb penah je baking2 kat umah. so, adela basic sket2. I agree that experience is a good teacher. cuma yg lainnye buat dlm bigger scale and untuk dijual. kalu dlu buat sket2 and hodoh2 pun xpe sbb nk mkn sdri. tp yg ni xbleh la sbb nk bg customer mkn. kenela nmpk menarikkan.
Penat mmg penat. lagi2 kalu kene basuh tray yg bertimbun2. that is the most hateful part! xsuke! kalu setakat jaga cashier ok lg, xdela penat sgt. pastu serabut plak bile kene kejap buat keje kat blkg, kejap kene kluar balik bile ade customer. itu pun boleh thn lg. plg xtahan bile kene bebel. yg xbrp nk gemar ni. ade je yg xbtul. buat salah, xbuat pun salah. xpe2, smpai bln 4 je. bertahan!
Tp xdela sume xbest kat situ. the fun part is diorg suke ngarut2. asyik tersengih je duk kat situ. and I got a new nickname too! thay call me 'Ira'. sorry again? wahaha. ewww...geli2 gak mule2 tu. mcm mane la bleh jd ira. org ckp nazeera or zeera, last2 diorg pggl ira je. hahaha. klaka plak. oh ye, lagi satu dpt mkn free! mknla ape je yg nk dimkn. smpai xlalu dh tgk roti2 tu. air pun xpyh byr. cuma kalu nk mkn kenyang kenela beli sdri.
Org mesti pelik knp overseas grad mcm sy ni keje kat kedai roti je. yela, blaja penat2, ade degree in biotech plus hons in health sc tp kedai roti? why? is it wrong? keje ni halal ape. biasela, mulut org xbleh nk tutup. cakapla ape korg nk cakap. yg penting I know what I'm doing and not everything I do I have to tell evrybody. I do have plans and people don't know anything about it and I don't wish to tell them either. It's a secret. shhh....
Ok, dh mghrib. cau dlu. wsalam...