Today was a .... day. I don't know how to say it but it was a once in lifetime opportunity. Our PM, yes, the prime minister came to visit the bakery I work at. gile lah, tibe2 sume org serbu kedai tu, dgn reporter2, pengawal2, polis etc... lampu2 camera yg menyakitkan mata. and I was talking with PM. Sbnrnye PM dtg sbb isu naik harga sewa? I don't really know about that baru keje xsmpai sebulan, manela tau bende tu sume. pastu PM tnye mcm mana bisnes? I said Alhamdulillah, but everybody laughed. huh? is it wrong? mcm xikhlas je.. kata PM. oh, i don't understand. did i say anything wrong? dahla lps tu terjumpe pakcik2 mane tah and they said 'eh, ni yg keje kat kedai kek td tu kan? knape x ckp? org dh bg pluang cakap xnk cakap... ' eh, ape ni? ckp ape plak ni? sy baru keje kat situ, sy xtau pape. tolong sy....aaa.... ade plak org rtm dtg interview, siap bwk cameraman, dgn mic lg. pastu ade 2 wartawan, sorg dr utusan, sorg dr mane tah, dtg blk kat kedai tu mintak name penuh sbb nk bubuh dlm paper. kot! seriously I don't want any of that. I just want to live a quiet life. but hey, it was a great experience though. kalu nk jumpe PM saje2 mmg xdptla. ni die sdri yg dtg. haa kan!
Anyways, I survived today. thank you Allah. wasalam. =)
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